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Holistic health and wellness Experts
Check out our certified wellness professionals and their specialties.
Our Founder
Shaikha Alaa AlQasimi
Founder & Wellness coach

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” ― Carl Jung

Taking charge of your life and choosing the outcome you want is what I learned from being a creative mind coach. Hence despite being a Projects and Design Manager, I have always dedicated time to attending workshops and seminars in developing myself. I started coaching, training, and consultations with individuals and corporations, to assist in achieving personal, career, and business objectives.

I infuse my coaching techniques with inspirations from my daily readings and my interest in spirituality and use the Creative Mind Method (CMM) which is based on Carl Jung’s psychological principles that include universal laws of manifestation in its process.

In order to reach a bigger audience and help more individuals, I opened a well-being center in 2016, to allow more coaching and healing practices and to provide a portal of services to inspire people and help them overcome their limitations & discover their true potential. Mindfulness and conscious awareness is the main goal at Gaia Wellness Center which is currently hosting several healing therapists and yoga masters who provide private sessions, meditation, and yoga classes, and healing therapies that help clients get empowered using powerful mind tools & techniques to help them create the life they desire.

Our Experts
Waad AlTaleb
Holistic Born Healer, Transformational Coach, Feminine & Tantric Initiator, Kundalini & Yoga Master

Waad’s passion is to bring back women to their natural state of being. She has spent her last 15 years elevating thousands of men and women around the world.

Her clients have blossomed in their health, personal, and professional lives: from finding their life purpose/careers to letting go of the past. She helped many in finding their soulmates and improving their family relationships with spouses and children. She helped many clients to lose weight and flourish in their authentic self-love by removing all emotional blocks. Waad has trained in various transformative modalities including Shamanic Journeys, Hatha, Kundalini & Yin Yoga, Theta Healing®, Tibetan Bowl Sound healing, Pranic healing, Access Bars, Tantric Alchemy, and Kundalini Reiki.

Waad will revitalize your life and raise your frequency to higher vibrations of love to fully manifest all your desires.

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Lee Whyberd
Clairvoyant Medium - World Renowned Energy Healer - Holistic Therapist & Tarot Card Reader

Lee Whyberd is a talented Welsh Clairvoyant/Intuitive best known for his ability to bring light and hopes to even the most serious or difficult of experiences,

using a combination of wit, incisiveness, and compassion.

Descended from a long line of sensitives on his maternal side, Lee began reading for close friends and relatives in his 20’s. However, he was called to work with spirit more seriously after an illness in his 40’s which led him to develop his natural gifts and abilities in order to help others on a full-time basis.

Lee is now based in Dubai and often visits clients across the world.

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Dr. Afaf Nazih
Trauma Healing Expert, Family and Business Constellation Master

Dr. Afaf Nazih is a medical doctor. After a few years of practicing western medicine, she realized that she had a different life calling and a different path.

She started studying management, quality, and leadership domains and proved to be a highly skilled and influential trainer and business consultant. Through her day-to-day contact with training participants, it became clear to her that people need more than knowledge to achieve their life goals. Her clients used to ask her for advice and solutions for their personal dilemmas. She soon felt the urge to study something different to answer their questions.

Whether through speaking, teaching, or consulting, she finds joy in moving others emotionally, perhaps moving them to take action, to change, or to take steps towards happiness. Her effectiveness comes from her ability to speak with feelings. She not only speaks from her mind but also from her heart. Afaf is very passionate and dedicated to her work yet very gentle, and very helpful in every possible way. She has a unique way of empowering women, believing that women are the core of development and success.

Her holistic approaches include Systemic Constellation, Systemic Coaching, and NLP.

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Sara Thomas
Educator & Life Empowerment coach

Sara Thomas has been an Educator for the past 20 years. She is a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, EFT Practitioner, Metaphor Therapist,

Mindfulness Practitioner, Family Systems Facilitator, and Organizational Dynamics Facilitator. Sara firmly believes that all individuals can use the power of their minds and are capable of moving beyond the limitations set by their upbringing, belief systems, and previous experiences and relationships.

She has been dedicated to providing guidance and support to children, adults, and families in their personal and professional lives. With her extensive training and years of experience, Sara can help you successfully overcome challenges and develop the skills required to master the thoughts and behaviors driving your life. She applies an integrated and holistic approach to all her learning while working with her clients. Her compassionate nature helps clients achieve their personal and professional goals with a positive attitude irrespective of external factors.

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Nazish Khan
Soul Coach & Energy Healer

Nazish has been in wellness practice for more than a decade. She started with a Psychology postgraduate and hypnotherapy training and has grown into a versatile

energy healer, hypnotherapist, and transformational coach.

Having worked with a diverse range of clients with different dynamics required for resolution in each case, Nazish understands the importance of modeling a tailor made approach for every client. She is very focused on bringing results in a smooth and efficient way. Be it an individual, family, relation, or corporate-based client she will always take the case history and design a model for well-being which will have a unique take on a given goal or situation.

Nazish excels in working with anxiety issues, stress, diseases & disorders, spiritual growth, achieving goals, confidence, law of attraction, money, bodywork, and addictions to name a few.

She has designed many successful workshops, courses & meditations over the years which are high vibrational ascension based.

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Smitha Prasad
Hypnotherapist and Holistic Wellbeing Practitioner

Smitha is our Holistic Wellbeing Practitioner who passionately believes in the power of alternative holistic healing modalities in the physical,

mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of humanity. She is a Clinical Hypnotherapist certified by the National Guild of Hypnotherapists (USA).

She helps her clients of all ages in different areas of life like career, prosperity, relationships, health, life purpose, and growth. She motivates her clients to break limiting beliefs that are holding them back from reaching their full potential with a combination of different healing modalities in her gamut.

Prior to moving into the field of holistic healing, Smitha was a Human Resources Professional who has lived and worked in different parts of the world.

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Tatsiana Martynava
Meditation, Yoga, and Belly Dance Teacher

Tanya is a certified Belly Dance and Yoga teacher by the League of the Belly Dance Professionals of Russia with 18 years of experience in Belly Dance and 5 in yoga.

helps ladies to awaken their feminine nature and strengthen woman power through Meditation, Yoga, and Belly Dance, the benefits of which are known for centuries.

Unique Meditation + Yoga+ Belly Dance classes:

  • Study and practice meditation to achieve all your wishes and peace of mind;
  • Women practices that are essential for the woman in modern life to stay balanced and feel calm;
  • Yoga practices to stabilize and take under control emotional state and reactions, strengthen the body, and maintain a woman’s health;
  • Belly Dance to awaken sexual power, practice how to make each part of your body work separately, and of course practice dancing.

Apart from the mentioned benefits these classes help to achieve weight loss goals, prepare the body for the successful flow of the desired pregnancy, and fast postnatal recovery.

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Suzanne Saleh
Certified Health Coach

A graduate of international business and having more than 20 years of experience in the corporate sector, I understand what the pressure of balancing home, job,

and children can do to you. She became interested in holistic health and healthier lifestyle habits when her elder sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her passion for wellness and holistic healing only grew and She is now committed full-time to sharing and motivating everyone to live a meaningful and healthier lifestyle, focusing more on prevention of diseases instead of cure.

My aim is to teach busy mums that it is not hard; you too can eat well, be well and feel well. ~ Suzanne Saleh

She coaches busy moms on how to lose weight, and make quick healthy meals and lifestyle changes so they can help themselves and their loved ones be healthy without relying on processed junk food by following a plant-based lifestyle and practicing yoga.

She has attended an Academy in Nepal where she was introduced to Yoga and the singing bowl meditation and the healing it brings. She is a certified Health Coach, and graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, where she studied a variety of dietary theories and practical lifestyle coaching methods. She is also a certified Level 1 & 2 Reiki Practitioner and a certified yoga teacher.

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M F Sameer
Holistic Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Life counselor & Coach, and advanced energy Healer

M F Sameer is empowering individuals & transforming their lives through the power of mind-body-energy integration. When human beings experience trauma

or severe life stressors, it is common for their lives to unravel. MFA Sameer’s great passion is bringing healing to people who have been through traumatic/stressful experiences. He helps people of all ages, children, adults, and families, to find healthy perceptions of themselves and strengthen their relationships so they can know themselves as peaceful, complete, whole, and safe.

According to Sameer, there is nothing right or wrong, good or bad, but the thinking makes it. This thinking comes from the belief system, environment, education, and religious system individuals follow. It is a hard-wired belief system that creates perception. This perception is responsible for the state of mind and eventually biology of the physical body.

His healing modalities include Emotional Intelligence Training, Holistic Solutions for Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Traumas & All behavioral resolutions, Holistic Integrated Hypnotherapy, Holistic Relationship counseling, teens, parenting challenges, Holistic result-oriented solutions for Smoking, Addictions & compulsive behaviors, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

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Rosh Kaur
Intuitive Guide & Deep Inner Work

Roshni is a 350hr experienced Yoga & Breathwork teacher, Myofascial release therapist, Lymphatic release therapist, and Yoga Therapy specialist. She has been serving

people from all walks of life both locally and internationally.

Her classes are powerful and transformational both on a physical and cellular level. Her yoga classes will help not only shape and tone your body but also shape your mind to be more calm, centered, and focused despite the stress of daily life.

Her sessions are going to help you shift your mindset, clear limiting beliefs and thought patterns that keep you stuck, release stagnated energy to invite new high vibrational energy into your life, and help with healing the trauma that is stored within your body.

She works by tapping into the root cause of your pain that causes physical symptoms to appear in the body and activate your body’s innate healing power with her Transformational Breathwork Session.

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Liberty Gelderloos
Certified womb steam practitioner

Liberty is a certified womb steam practitioner through the Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute in California and also considers herself a plant medicine woman.

In 2019 she started offering her services in Dubai and passionately shares her knowledge about an ancient, cross-cultural practice of womb steaming. This beautiful self-care ritual allows women to reconnect with their wombs and helps them remember their inherent superpower changing the way women relate to their cycle and their bodies.

Liberty came across steaming on a podcast and immediately reaped the benefits of the practice. This inspired her to study the practice and share its many benefits, both physical and spiritual, with as many women as possible.

Women are cyclical beings, and she believes that steaming, cyclical living, and other lifestyle changes can address menstrual cycle imbalances. How we menstruate and honor our bodies is a choice that can benefit us as we move through our menstruating years and in turn age and move into our second spring (Menopause) gracefully and beautifully.

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